Arrive early at the shrine. Air still filled with morning fog. The sun is hot. But the atmosphere is crisp. The place breathes lightness. Two large crows and a sleeping cat. Amidst the tranquility the sound of a car approaching. The Shinto, Hitoyoshi Yamakage, Master arrives. We greet each other. Take off our shoes. In the ensuite room we have tea and a small jelly pudding, which we don’t eat. He goes out to change his clothes. Returns dressed in white. Hands over a book, his father the previous master, wrote. A present. After some conversation the Master suddenly rises. As if a signal is given. “So you have this stone..” We put on reed sandals and walk to a smaller shrine next to the main one.
We enter. Open up the carrier and give him a small candle holder I made, as a present. Unpack the Heartstone and hand it over. The Master places it on the altar.
I am seated in the back. Two bows, clap, silent clap, clap, bow. One bow to the heavens, one bow the earth, a clap for the heavens, a silent clap for the self, a clap for the earth. To unite them. A bow to everything surrounding. He chants Japanese words. Then Norito. Takes the Kan-Nusa, the sword of light to cut away the shade of defiled light.. A stick with 33 paper flaps hanging from the top. And a straight hemp fiber. The hemp fiber is the symbol of Kami’s wave. 33 flaps for the 32 directions there are, and one for the self. When waved all directions are purified. He waves. Purifies the space for the Kami to enter. Bow, bow, clap, silent clap, clap, bow. Throughout the ceremony. Then he starts playin the big drum. While doing an incantation. Big vibration throughout the room. It feels like something entered. My right ear begins to buzz. What it normally does when stressed out or overly tired. The drumming reaches and end. Ear still buzzes. The Master completes this chapter, bow, bow, clap, silent clap, clap, bow. My ear stops buzzing and with it my whole body relaxes. Starting from the ear. Relieve, release, a serenity surprises me. The stone is taken from the altar and put next to a fire pit. Realize why we’re in the smaller shrine. This one has an extractor hood. A pile of same size cut pieces of wood are stacked like you would stack Kapla. Two pieces cross stacked on two pieces cross stacked on two pieces.. Washi paper is folded and put in the centre. Oil is poured over with an oiler. A little folded piece of paper is held to the flame on the altar. With this the fire is lit. Sitting next to the fire another chant. Accompanied by specific hand gestures. As if he’s playing an instrument. The stone is brought back to the altar. Waves the light sword. Bow, bow, clap, silent clap, bow. Blessed. He hands over the stone.
After another tea, we eat the small jelly pudding. We talk a long while. He tells me the stone has good energy, good vibrations. He shows me the grounds. I hang around the premises afterwards. Butterflies as big as small birds.
When I leave, the Westminster chime rings exactly as I bow under the Tori gate to say thanks. Vibrant very vibrant.